Saturday, 30 June 2018

BUDDY-Decentralized Application Development Automation

Hasil gambar untuk buddy bounty

The birth of digital currency has brought lufe to many economic sectors. With the birth of bitcoin in 2009, many are beginning to see that exceptional blockchain technology may be a cost-effective feature of next-generation technology. Since the beginning of Blockchain technology has been trying to become mainstream but has been limited by one or two obstacles that include ease of use of wallet, communications privacy, trade performance and security. For cryptocurrency being mainstream and large adoption orders there is a need to improve ease of use, privacy, trade performance, communication. There are a lot of big players in the crypto space that have tried to improve the quality of some of these important keynote but because of lack of experience or sometimes the funds have made them unfavorable.

Today many of us use various applications in computers and smartphones, which have become a habit used for us, they bring convenience, fast service and a simple user interface. They are developed from various fields of activity: from food to home appliances. Keep up-to-date on new products, promotions, and other helpful updates.

Buddy is one of them, Buddy is a leading platform for development automation (DevOps). The automation market is growing rapidly, its turnover will reach $ 345 billion by 2022. Buddy's goal is to make life easier for other software developers by automating all the routine tasks. This will give programmers an opportunity to realize their creative potential and enable them to focus on ideas that can change the world around.

Buddy, who partnered with industry leaders like Amazon, Docker, Github, Microsoft, and Google, is a winning automation development platform that caters to a rapidly growing market that is valued at $ 345 billion by 2022. More than 7,000 developers use Buddy every day in more of 120+ countries. Top customers: Magazine INC, & ING Bank. Our vision is to be the backbone where talented people can build applications & services that change the world. Our goal is to take the burden off millions of developers by unpacking everything that can be automated - giving them back time to be creative.

About BUDDY Project.

BUDDY Company was created in 2015 with the goal of vertical automation applications in application development so that developers can focus on creative tasks and not waste time on repetitive tasks after receiving positive responses from the public.

 The BUDDY project quickly became a partner such as:
  • Google.
  • Github.
  • Microsoft.
  • Another key company, which has a desire to help developers to deliver faster products and higher quality.
This project is the main platform for development automation (DevOps). Automation market is growing rapidly, the turnover will reach $ 345 billion by 2022, certainly a fantastic turnover is not it?

Buddy aims to make life easier for other software developers by automating all the routine tasks. This will give programmers the opportunity to realize their potential and enable them to focus on ideas that can change the world around.

Buddy is a platform for deployment and deployment of automation. It facilitates the adoption of DevOps and has an open ecosystem, supporting all code.

These include four major compounds, such as:
  1. Pipe Line, (automatic software production line).
  2. Sandbox, (use test and automatic preview).
  3. Version Control.
  4. Integration with multiple scopes.
 Four Project Features BUDDY:
  1. Products that successfully solve real multi-billion market problems, including respected brands such as Inc. Magazine, Docplanner, and CGI.
  2. Partnerships with Google, GitHub, Docker, Microsoft, and Amazon, participate in the launch of Google Cloud, GitHub, Marketplace, Store, Docker, Azure, and (soon) Amazon Web Services Marketplace, respectively.
  3. A stand-alone enterprise version of the platform.
  4. A team close to 16 people who worked together for many years, (most of them partners and shareholders) has been proven to provide high-quality solutions for complex tasks
Problems & Challenges
  • Barriers to Automation Development: The development of application automation provides a great boon to the organization, but is challenging to adopt
  • Scales are difficult: Large teams that use automation as a key differentiator and value driver, are struggling to improve their DevOps infrastructure.
  • Outdated tools: Solutions that come and go can not continue to innovate and must be replaced
  • No solutions for cross-functional teams: Destructive performance & organizational culture with conflicting attitudes and goals
Our Solution
  • [Delivered] Pipeline Automation: Automated application development and deployment with more than 70 steps ready for use
  • [Submitted] β Sandbox: Full preview & test environment that serves as an automatic instant app preview for every branch of code
  • [Delivered] Integration: The rich palette of dedicated integration provides comprehensive support for many piles
  • [Destination ICO] GRID Automation: A decentralized infrastructure for running an unlimited amount of automation tasks for application development
  • [Destination ICO] DevOps Marketplace: An app store for developers by developers with solutions that automate app development
  • [Destination ICO] BlockchainOps: Automation bot development created for smarter, better & faster Blockchain apps
ICO & Distribution Tokens
  • Token: BUD
  • PreICO Price: 1 ETH = 7,000 BUD
  • Price: 1 ETH = 5,000 BUD
  • Bonus: Available
  • Bounty: Available
  • MVP / Prototype:
  • Available Platform: Ethereum
  • Accept: ETH
  • Soft cap: 8,000 ETH
  • Hard cap: 60,000 ETH

Token will be distributed as follows: 60% will be sold, 20% will be taken by the team, 15% will be awarded for reserves, 4% will go into bounty campaign, advisory and lawyers, 1% - in Airdrop

As part of the sale, it is planned to sell no more than 470 million standard tokens of erc20 BUD at a price of 1 BUD for 0,0002 ETH. This is 60% of total token issues. Sales will stop reaching 60,000 ETH hardcap.

ICO will be divided into several phases of two weeks. Depending on the time of purchase, the buyer will receive a certain bonus token:
  • 1-14 August-the first stage, which will sell 62.5 million BUDs with a 25% bonus;
  • August 15-29 - second phase, will sell 60 million BUD, the bonus will be 20%;
  • August 30 - September 13 - the third stage, planned to sell 57.5 million tokens, 15% bonus;
  • September 14-29 - through the fourth phase, will sell 55 million BUD c bonus 10%;
  • September 30 - October 14 - fifth stage, 52.5 million BUDs with 5% bonus;
  • October 15th - October 29th - the last stage, in which 50 million tokens will be sold without bonus.


currently BUDDY has partnered with large companies that have entrusted their project development projects through the BUDDY ecosystem


Buddy Will Become a World Resource

The future with Buddy is already here. This project solves the problem and is not really a secret (just remember that even Microsoft has decided to build relationships with this team). However, it would be helpful to know some features if you are the only platform for developers:
  • a secure relationship;
  • Allows to clean up on ideas that will be created by the system);
  • full legal freedom
Buddy Developers have managed to find from world-renowned companies. The module used for the company also speaks for him. If we add a close guest team, we get a promising project, which investors would love. ICO begins in August, Investor zone still has time to buy coins from the platform with a 25% bonus.

More information about this project,

Official source:

Thursday, 28 June 2018


Hallo .. Sobat bertemu lagi dengan saya, kali ini saya akan mengajak anda untuk bergabung dengan proyek " MUST " dimana situs pertukaran ini sangat menjanjikan bagi anda yang berminat untuk menginvestasikan dananya dalam penjualan ICO yang mereka lakukan. Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dalam proyek ini atau Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dalam proyek mereka, ada baiknya Anda membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda memperoleh informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi misi mereka selama proyek mereka.


Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) adalah bagian penting dari perekonomian suatu negara atau wilayah, serta negara Indonesia. UKM ini memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kecepatan ekonomi masyarakat. UKM juga sangat membantu negara atau pemerintah dalam hal penciptaan pekerjaan baru dan melalui UKM juga menciptakan banyak unit unit kerja baru yang menggunakan pekerja baru yang dapat mendukung pendapatan rumah tangga. Selain itu UKM juga memiliki fleksibilitas yang tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan bisnis dengan kapasitas lebih besar. UKM ini membutuhkan perhatian khusus dan didukung oleh informasi yang akurat, sehingga ada hubungan bisnis terarah antara pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah dengan unsur daya saing bisnis, yaitu jaringan pasar.

Usaha Kecil dan Menengah yang disingkat SME adalah istilah yang mengacu pada jenis usaha kecil yang memiliki kekayaan bersih sebesar Rp 200.000.000 tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan tempat usaha. Dan bisnis yang berdiri sendiri.

Bank Dunia [Bank Dunia] membedakan antara usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah jumlah pekerjaan yang mereka hasilkan. Hingga 10 untuk mikro dan 11 hingga 250 untuk usaha kecil dan menengah. Jumlah kecil perusahaan resmi yang terdaftar untuk 2017 menurut Forum Keuangan UKM adalah 141 441 000, Jumlah usaha kecil dan menengah di negara berkembang adalah 20 751 ribu. 2 Perhitungan ini tidak termasuk perusahaan informal yang tidak memiliki status resmi. Menurut berbagai perkiraan, jumlah IHR informal menyumbang hingga 70% angka resmi. Kami hanya akan menerima 275.726.400 perusahaan, yang masing-masing merupakan gagasan, kekuatan dan energi pengusaha yang mendirikan perusahaan semacam itu.

di sini penjelasan singkat tentang proyek MUST diyakini sangat potensial. Agar lebih jelas dan lengkap, Anda dapat mendengarkan artikel ini dari penawaran kami. 

Standar Transaksi Universal Utama (MUST) adalah bursa pertama di dunia, yang memberi investor akses ke pemantauan aset, arus kas dan risiko secara real time. 

Ekosistem HARUS menawarkan solusi - Bukti Algoritma Aset, yang artinya dalam Pengauditan Instan & Berkelanjutan atas aset secara teratur. Investor mendapat akses ke deskripsi aset yang sepenuhnya otentik, semua propertinya, termasuk likuiditas dan nilai pasar saat ini dan kualitas arus kas baik pada saat membuat keputusan untuk berinvestasi, dan kapan saja selama periode kepemilikan hak-hak klaim.

Ciri khas solusi MUST adalah kenyataan bahwa sebagian besar pekerjaan pada penilaian risiko dan likuiditas aset cerdas, baik pada tahap pembentukannya dan sepanjang waktu berikutnya, dilakukan oleh teknologi, bukan orang. 

Sistem penilaian likuiditas aset dan sistem pemantauan kinerja ekonomi akan memastikan transparansi maksimum proses pembiayaan bagi investor. Berdasarkan peringkat dan indeks, laporan analitik dan sinyal akan dibangun menggunakan teknologi pembelajaran mesin yang akan memastikan efisiensi dan keandalan investasi maksimum bersama dengan biaya transaksi minimal. Ekosistem MUST adalah seperangkat standar, aturan dan nilai yang mendasari setiap solusi, produk atau layanan yang dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan dalam ekosistem.

Berdasarkan standar MUST, tim menciptakan sistem pembiayaan terdesentralisasi untuk usaha kecil dan menengah di seluruh dunia, berdasarkan pada tokenisasi produk akhir dan aset dari pasar yang dibiayai. Sistem MUST memungkinkan perusahaan kecil dan menengah menerima pembiayaan untuk akuisisi aset yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan produk akhir pasar.

Volume target pasar proyek HARUS menjadi 520 miliar USD. Menurut perkiraan rendah, tim proyek merencanakan 5 tahun ke depan untuk mengambil 7,5% dari pasar dan menunjukkan omset sebesar 40 miliar USD.

Ini akan dicapai melalui:
  • Model unik dari ikatan digital MUST Digital Bond dan sistem peredarannya di bursa MUST Exchange.
  • Saat yang sangat menguntungkan untuk memasuki pasar, institusi institusional dengan kendala keuangan dalam pembiayaan IHR (AML, Basel II, Basel III).
  • Perkembangan dan keputusan penulis di bidang digitalisasi dan rekayasa dan peralatan otomotif.
  • Sistem memastikan pengembalian investasi, yang dibangun di atas mekanisme tokenisasi kilometer dan jam dan pemantauan aset.

Ekosistem HARUS

Berdasarkan standar MUST, tim kami menciptakan sistem pembiayaan terdesentralisasi untuk usaha kecil dan menengah di seluruh dunia, berdasarkan tokenisasi produk akhir dan aset dari pasar yang dibiayai.

Sistem MUST memungkinkan perusahaan kecil dan menengah menerima pembiayaan untuk akuisisi aset yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan produk akhir pasar.

Entitas dapat memperoleh aset, penilaian yang akan dibuat dalam unit produk akhir dari pasar, dan pembiayaan juga akan diberikan dalam unit produk akhir.

Pendekatan ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mewujudkan produk akhir, yang akan diproduksi di masa depan, dan untuk memperoleh aset yang dihasilkan untuk produksi produk ini.

Elemen Sistem MUST

Dalam sistem ini terdapat banyak peran yang berbeda, b dengan peran bisnis utama adalah:
  • End Client - Pelanggan akhir, pengusaha UKM yang tertarik untuk mendapatkan akses ke pembiayaan. Pemilik aset tokenized (Smart Asset).
  • MUST Agent / Originator - Perusahaan jasa grup MUST, bertindak sebagai agen operasi dalam transaksi tokenisasi / sekuritisasi aset.
  • Investor Fiat Capital - Investor swasta, bank atau perusahaan investasi yang tertarik berinvestasi di Smart Asset atau Securities (sekuritas) dengan profitabilitas tertentu. Tipe investor ini termasuk, antara lain, konsumen dari produk akhir.
  • Investor Crypto Capital - Investor swasta, bank atau perusahaan investasi yang tertarik untuk berinvestasi modal crypto dalam Smart Asset dengan profitabilitas tertentu.
  • Smart Asset - Aset yang diberi token, diverifikasi oleh penjamin dan terhubung ke sistem pemantauan.
  • Proof of Asset Algorithm - Algoritme unik dari tokenization dan sekuritisasi aset. Termasuk: Smart Asset Tokenizer dan Smart Asset Escrow.
  • HARUS SPV - Sebuah perusahaan khusus, penerbit sekuritas yang diterbitkan atas dasar Smart Asset tokenized.
  • MUST Wallet - Layanan untuk pertukaran fiat dan mata uang kripto untuk token HARUS, MST, serta identifikasi KYC pengguna dalam sistem.
  • Crypto-Fiat Custodian - Layanan yang mencakup sejumlah solusi yang bertujuan untuk mengatur penyimpanan "dingin" dari aset-aset kripto pencetusnya, menjalankan fungsi penyimpanan klasik. Memberikan kesempatan untuk mengambil aset crypto untuk akuntansi.
  • MUST Exchange - Pertukaran crypto-aktif, tujuan utamanya adalah pengorganisasian transaksi untuk penjualan aset yang di-token. Antarmuka pertukaran akrab akan dengan cepat dan mudah mulai menggunakan instrumen keuangan baru.
  • Pertukaran Umum - Pertukaran klasik, yang akan memperdagangkan surat berharga yang diterbitkan atas dasar Smart Asset.
Produk HARUS
  • HARUS Renta - layanan leasing keuangan (leasing) untuk UKM.
  • MUST Lending adalah layanan pembiayaan (pinjaman) yang dijamin oleh aset tokenized untuk IHR.
  • MUST Escrow adalah layanan untuk membiayai transaksi perdagangan melalui tokenisasi aset yang akan dibiayai di bawah transaksi.
  • MUST Digital Bonds (MDB) - Obligasi digital yang diterbitkan dalam proses sekuritisasi, berdasarkan pada aset yang di-token dan arus kas di atasnya.
Pemegang Token

Pemegang token harus memiliki akses ke semua layanan dan penawaran ekosistem dari ekonomi berbasis nilai. Token HARUS memberikan pemegangnya hak untuk diskon saat membayar komisi di MUST Exchange sesuai dengan jadwal berikut:

HB - 2019 Q4 - 50%
2020 Q1 - 2020 Q4 - 75%
2021 Q1 - 2021 Q4 - 80%
2022 Q1 - 2022 Q4 - 90%
Semua token yang diterima oleh sistem MUST karena pembayaran komisi akan dibakar. Setelah daftar di bursa, token HARUS juga dapat ditukar dengan mata uang kripto-aktif atau fiat lainnya.

Jumlah token yang diterbitkan 500 000 000 Emisi tambahan tidak disediakan. Dan token HARUS dikeluarkan sesuai dengan standar ERC223 di jaringan Ethereum.

Penjualan Token
  • Pra-Pengoperasian Pribadi / 25.02 - 30.06.2018 /
  • Bonus + 20%
  • Public PreSale / 01.07 - 31.07.2018 /
  • Bonus + 10%
  • Penjualan Token Publik / 01.08 - 30.08.2018 /
  • Bonus 0%

Token Biaya
  • 1 HARUS = 0,10 USD
  • Soft Cap = 6 700 000 USD
  • Hard Cap = 35 000 000 USD
  • Penjualan Token - 350 000 000
  • Tim - 50 000 000 (tahan hingga Q3 2019)
  • Pemasaran & Penasihat- 25 000 000
  • MUST Foundation - 75 000 000 (tahan hingga Q3 2020)
Distribusi Investasi
  • R & D - 15%
  • Hukum - 20%
  • Pemasaran - 60%
  • Biaya operasional - 5%


Q2 2015
Start working on standard technology description;

Q3 2016
The first version of the Inspect app;

Q1 2017
Auction Auction
and testing of business models;

Q3 2017
The first version of the market MUST.Ru;

Q3 2017
The official release of MUST.Ru at COMTRANS 2017;

Q3 2017
Stock Exchange MUST
Launch MUST Checking Inspection Exchanges;

Q1 2018
MUST Check
MUST be Standard 1

Q2 2018
MUST Monitor EN
MUST Index
SHOULD be a RU Expert
MUST Auction RU

Q3 2018
HAVE TO BE A Digital Bond
Must be changed

2018 Quarter

Q1 2019
MUST EU Inspections
MUST EU experts
MUST EU Auctions

Q2 2019
MUST be an EU Agent
MUST Monitor EU

Q3 2019

Q4 2019
MUST AF Auction

Q1 2020
MUST Monitor AF

Q2 2020

Q3 2020
MUST LAT Experts

Q4 2020
MUST be a LAT Agent
MUST Monitor LAT


Kesimpulan dan Referensi

Intinya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa adalah standar utama dari transaksi utama untuk nilai ekonomi usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah. Sistem pendanaan tersedia nilai ekonomi terdesentralisasi dari usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah melalui tokenization kilometer dan jam.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat mengunjungi:
Penulis : lifting
Eth : 0x14DAEA80662fc2726c6348989bd2eDe94C4a1d79 

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Eternal Trusts: A Dream That Is Destined To Succeed

Today I will discuss about the development of Cryptocurrency world which has increased significantly in recent years, with various types of Crypto, platform or application in circulation. Many ICOs will come every day, but there are some with good ideas and some with useless ideas, few have great ideas. Now I want to talk about ICO with a good idea that is Eternal Trusts as the world's health platform. If you are interested in joining this project or you are interested in joining their project, it helps you read reviews that can help you get information that can help you in viewing their mission vision during their project.


there are more than 16 million millionaires in the world, and at least 10% of them want to try anything that can prolong their lives and improve their standard of living. However, no matter how much you are willing to pay, you are still prohibited from purchasing services that have not been received by the regulator, inaccessible due to lack of laws, or need additional research. We provide solutions to this problem by creating platforms where individuals can build products and services needed for their safety where teams can analyze potential demand for their latest development, where customers from our unique product can create intelligent contracts to ensure automatic service purchases in the future.

What is Eternal Trust?

Eternal Trust is a platform created based on blockchain technology to take advantage of a secure decentralized network. This leading platform allows automation to occur in many aspects, especially in terms of finance and payments. With the utilization of all these modern technologies, we have platforms that can offer secure, decentralized, fast, accessible and fair processes.

The Eternal Trust Platform is designed to make it easier for users to find and utilize the useful services they need. This service is expected to improve the convenience of life and obtained easily. The platform is designed to meet health-related and field-related needs. The system in it is supported by protocols that are structured with algorithms and smart contracts.

Problems and Solutions

Creating platforms in such a way with the advantages that other services in the world require the right technology, as well as modern. This ambition is a capital for Eternal trust team to maximize performance. Various problems will be tried to be handled effectively. The first problem to be solved is the inability of people to find and buy certain services due to technological constraints and lack of research to develop.

The main problem is also caused by the lack of support from the government. So that causes research to be hampered and never find a solution. Other issues will be solved with Eternal Beliefs. For example, problems with the difficulty of people finding biomaterials as storage and selecting contractors for services. The solution offered is providing the services of the Biotech Supervisor.

The Eternal Trust also resolves the asset issues that must be provided to the recipient by minimizing the costs necessary to manage them. Lack of understanding about life defenses well due to lack of food, housing, communications, transportation, etc. Will be resolved by the presence of health services that are suitable for them. Clients are also given the opportunity to determine the duration in the contract they have made.

Is this platform reliable? Eternal Trust will provide comfort and strengthen bond trust by minimizing the human factor in it. Most of the ways are automated, included in the payment system. The designated goals and customer trust contracts will be encrypted and stored in the Blockchain database. So that customer data is safe and not used by irresponsible party.

The Eternal Trust of Futurists and scientists will seek, examine, and observe solutions to existing problems. Especially the problem in the preservation of biomaterials, resuscitation, cloning, or other health problems. Analysis that will be done by scientists will help solve the problems of mankind. Not only that, will be made various services with high quality.


Product of Eternal Belief

To support the fulfillment of human needs that may be useful in the future, Eternal Trust will create the right solutions. This solution is formulated into several steps. The first step is to determine the purpose and what to do automation. After that determined method to realize it. Then the Abadi Trust team will build the appropriate infrastructure.

Eternal Trust uses technology to protect assets from third parties through legal agreements. The assets will be organized under a secure and reliable system that can cover all financial components. Eternal Trust also utilizes blockchain technology to support the creation of the best solution. Blockchain will make the system decentralized and secure data from theft.

Eternal Trust provides services in the form of securing client goals, as well as managing client issues to create appropriate solutions. Eternal Trust uses modern algorithm algorithms to secure the system from human factors. It enables high level security and prioritizes client needs.

Eternal trust provides several different payment services. The first service is aimed at the rich. This service is reinforced by security and trust based on smart contracts in the blockchain security system. At this service, the minimum payment is $ 400,000 with a $ 1,000,000 base scenario. The cost of asset management is only 2%. Fee fees are also included for the storage of biomaterials in the long run.

The second service is for middle-class individuals. This service can be obtained at a cost of $ 70,000. A cost management fee of only $ 8,000 is payable annually. Clients will benefit from insurance. Costs for asset management are similar to rich individuals programs and include long-term biomaterial storage costs.

Currently the blockchain system used in the Eternal Trust is Ethereum Blockchain. But gradually, this platform will switch to using homemade blockchain technology. The method used is to analyze and observe more than 70 platforms. But there is no platform as complete as Eternal Trust.


Eternal Trust Tokens and ICO

This modern platform uses an accessible ETT token since March 22, 2018. This token is built with the ERC-20 standard which is a safety standard in the crypto currency industry. The starting price of the token is 0.010 USD with a total supply of 3,000,000,000 ETT. Tokens will be distributed in sales of 1.950 million ETT. The unsold tokens in this event will be destroyed to balance the ecosystem. Purchases can be made using BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, or BCH coins.

Pre sale will take place from March 22, 2018 to May 30, 2018. Sales of tokens will be held starting June 1 - August 1, 2018


  • March 22 - May 30, 2018
  • Initial price 1 ETT = 0.01 USD
  • Tokens for sale: 200.000.000 ETT
  • Target Presale Cap: 2,000,000 USD


  • Start: June 1 - August 1, 2018
  • Price: 0,014 - 0,018 - 0,021 USD
  • Tokens for sale: 1.750.000.000 ETT
  • Soft cap: 7,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: To be defined after Presale

Hasil gambar untuk ETERNAL TRUSTS.bounty



There is unlimited potential in the sciences studied and found in many research centers and universities around the world. Billions of dollars are invested in scientific research that can help find solutions to life-threatening illnesses. These diseases currently affect the longevity of human life. Each of us has dreams that can not currently be realized due to technological limitations, but we never know what will happen in the future.

For more information on Eternal Beliefs, Please visit the links below:

SMART TRIP: Decentralized Platform Providing Unforgettable Travel Trips By Utilizing Blockchain Technology.

Image result for smarttrip steemit

Today I will discuss about the development of Cryptocurrency world which has increased significantly in recent years, with various types of Crypto, platform or application in circulation. Many ICOs will come every day. There are some with good ideas and some with useless ideas, few have good ideas. Now I want to talk about ICO with a good idea that is Smart Trip Platform. If you are interested in joining this project or you are interested in joining their project, it helps you read reviews that can help you get information that can help you in viewing their mission vision throughout their project.

About Smart Trip platform (TASH)

Blockchain-supported projects, Smart Trip, attempt to address all these issues by creating a platform that will bring all travel needs to one place.

The platform will use blockchain technology and smart contracts to make payments between all parties safe. "Our goal is to create a global tourist community. The world is becoming increasingly global, and our solution will bring people from different countries closer, and make things unforgettable to them, "said Ronald Slobodchikov, COO and co-founder. For now, the founders began to build a global travelers community on social media channels, such as Telergam.

Smart Trip Platform (STP) is a decentralized ecosystem that will connect travelers and service providers, integrating all the functions necessary for travel or business to be safe, comfortable and independent. This new travel model: reduces the time dedicated to research and optimizes the authenticity of the experience.

Smart Trip platform will offer:

  • Price is great for tour service.
  • Means planning a trip from A to Z.
  • A dynamic community of tourists and professionals in the tourism industry.
The Smart Trip platform will provide a wide range of services: from airline ticket sales to reserve trips in the forest, from detailed information on local attractions to other travelers' searches.

How does TripCash work?

TripCash is the official Smart Trip Platform brand, which is compatible with ERC20, and will be used to order travel services on the platform. Users can store both TripCash and various cryptovariants in their respective universal purses (UCW), instantly swap between them; In the second phase of the project, a debit card (TripStash card) will be introduced, which will allow TripCash to be used to make purchases online and offline.

For who is this Smart Trip?


In addition to booking tickets, rooms and cars, Smart Trip Platform allows travelers to:
  • Plan the entire trip, make reservations, and find travel companions.
  • Contact the best guide and driver immediately.
  • Participate in a lively and friendly tourist community with their own knowledge base and experienced travel experts.
Travel Service Provider

Regardless of the efficiency and convenience offered, Smart Trip Platform allows service providers to:
  • Accept continuous flow of bona fide customers from around the world.
  • Use new channels to reach your audience and get feedback.
  • Create your business in a safe economy environment.
Smart Trip Platform is more than a travel planning tool - it's a dynamic global ecosystem where travelers can meet, share experiences, and plan trips together.
  • Post reviews, photos & videos
  • Become a tourist teacher
  • Build a knowledge base
  • Help others & get ratings
  • Share rides & tours
  • Create & edit pages for places & attractions
  • Join the chat room
  • Find travel companions
  • Request travel advice
  • Participate in arbitration
Token Sales Information

Smart Trip Platform has the potential to revolutionize travel, offering travelers and businesses a range of innovative and simple services, an interactive decentralized environment, secure payments, and the ability to plan trips from scratch with the help of the best experts in this field. Thanks to this platform, both tourists and business travelers will save a lot of time and money and will participate in a dynamic community with endless possibilities.

Smart Trip Platform sales allow everyone to participate in the project and purchase a platform token at a significant discount.

Token Sale Details
ICO Schedule
  • Pre-ICO 1 - April 16 to May 13, 2018
  • Pre-ICO 2 - May 14 to June 10, 2018
  • Main ICO - June 25 to July 22, 2018
  • Hard cap of USD 25 MN
  • Max Supply: 5 BN TASH
  • 60% of the tokens will be offered in the crowdsale, 10% will be reserved for team and advisors, 10% for early supporters and bounty and 20% will be part of the reserve fund
  • 60% of the tokens will be used in platform development and implementation, 15% towards marketing, 15% towards operations, 5% each towards legal and security


Q2 2017
Inception of Smart Trip platform project

Q3 2017
ICO campaign planning

Q4 2017 - Q1 2018
The creation of the White Book and the official website

Q1 2018
Development of smart contracts based on Ethereum

Q1 2018
Pre-sales, working on platform demo version

Q1 - Q2 2018
Play ICO round, work on final version of platform, iOS app and Android Smart Trip Platform development

Q3 - Q4 2018
Testing Smart Travel Platforms, TripCash token integrations, creating private cryptocurrency purses

Q4 2018 - Q1 2019
Integrated debit card launch



The rapid adoption of technology for trade events is that it is the only resolution for travel and travel service providers. Blockchain technology can be a catalyst for redefining changes in travel trade. With the adoption of web and mobile devices, travel has become fun and easy.

For further information contact:

Saturday, 9 June 2018

eConomic - a financial services platform based on cryptocurrency

In today's Cryptocurrency Era the best innovation innovations always continue to experience improvements and increasingly have the best quality, with high demand and demand in large markets, and increasingly continue to experience the latest features of the new features are better supported by the best team in building the more bringing increasing potential so that it will affect the value of these products in the market, then the increase is also driven by the development of blockchain technology that is now always a good improvement, bringing a form of quality in the system and the network the better, due to technology factors in the blockchain that has great influence and good benefits in growth in the present and future, with the ever-increasing innovation of cryptocurrency, opportunities are increasing as time goes on and gives the best opportunities businesses and businesses that provide increased sales or purchases, then increase revenue, and increase community levels and improved interaction, here we will introduce a new breakthrough in the development of cryptocurrency, especially in digital assets that have a good level of quality both within the system and network and has a good integration of eCoinomic innovation in digital asset in the form to create a product with the best quality level, and have a good value or value in the future.

Project Details eCoinomic

eCoinomic is a project of a future platform that will focus on providing and developing financial services using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development.

eCoComic plans to provide transparent, secure and easy-to-use financial services for all users. The project promises to provide the best and reasonable access to financial services for investors and traders of crypto currency.

eCoinomic is developed using systems and resources that support the creation of a universal financial ecosystem. The advantage of platform is the application of innovative technology.

The eCoinomic task is to create the best financial services for crypto investors worldwide. eCoinomic will provide financial services that let you manage your assets easily and securely.

In addition, the eCoinomic platform will provide lending, investment, hedging, exchange and crypto transactions, with full integration of the services into a single system.

eCoinomic is developed by a team of experienced professionals in various fields, understanding what issues to solve and how to do it.

eCoinomic provides a reliable credit system based on cryptoeconomics. This project will ensure a comfortable investment management from any time period.

Integration to popular services such as eBay and Amazon will be created, which will allow users to pay for payments directly using the eCoinomic payment system.

Any user-initiated transactions will be based on a CNC token, which will be used to support the platform's internal financial system. Token is based on ERC 20 system, based on Ethereum Blockchain.

eCoinomic can be a short-term credit tool for startups that require investment in development funds. The project platform will be multicurrency. In addition to currency, more than ten major crypto currencies will be used. It is planned to use secure Smart Contract on the platform, which will ensure the transparency and security of every user transaction.

The construction of such a platform will ultimately lead to the creation of a profitable and considerable financial ecosystem all the user's financial needs.

The block chain is an unchanging record of information that stores all digital transactions. This technology was first introduced by humans under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and has since become the most popular application field for new projects and investments. Blockchain allows you to distribute all the information to visitors, so there is no need for central authority, which means there is no way to track, check and intervene in digital financial transactions.

Blokchan is still a young technology, is in active development, ongoing improvement, has become more efficient and reliable than traditional obsolete systems, so banks, governments and other institutions are planning to use this technology.

To achieve a wide distribution of projects among users around the world, the organizers will introduce a shared lending function. Each platform participant can give its assets to other participants for a particular interest and a certain period of time. The system itself will conduct an analysis of those who want to give credit to others who want to receive it and provide a list of the most profitable offerings. Then, with the use of the Smart contract, the deal will be concluded. In addition, the system will monitor the implementation of interest payments and refunds to user accounts.

This project will actively utilize all the advantages of "smart function".
This will allow you to actively inform your members of the exchange rate changes on various exchanges. This will enable participants to actively change their strategy, and use the opportunity to engage in arbitration.

Pre-Sales Program / ICO Bounty eCoinomic

In February, eCoinomic has started Pre-Sales and invites you to join the existing Bounty Program. Of the number of tokens available for Pre-Sales and ICO, eCoinomic stores 1% of all token emissions for gift campaign followers. eCoinomic will also reward the most proactive participants of Bounty with bonus tokens. ICO is very valuable for eCoinomic. All bonuses will be paid on eCoinomic tokens after the end of ICO. follow the prize of the eCoinomic program available here

ICO eCoinomic project will commence on May 1, 2018. ICO will last for one month and will expire on June 1, 2018.


Token (CNC) is an ERC20 utility token, based on the Ethereum block chain. The purpose of the CNC token is to pay a commission for services on the eCoinomic electronic platform. To assess the ability of the platform, users must undergo a simple registration process. Then, in the newly created personal account, the user must add the token. For your balance, to access the selected service. Personal account balances can be refilled in two ways: token transfers purchased earlier in ICO or crypto, and purchase fixed price tokens on the eCoinomic platform.

Token Info
  • CNC Token
  • Ethereum Platform
  • Typing ERC20
  • Price at ICO 1 CNC = 1 USD
  • Pre-Sales 85%
  • ICO round 1 50%
  • ICO round 2 45%
  • ICO round 3 40%
  • Tokens sold 68 million
Investment info
  • Min. investment 2000 USD
  • Accept BTC, ETH, LTC, Various
  • Distributed in ICO 45%
  • Soft hat 9000000 USD
  • Hard hats 35400000 USD
Distribution of funds:
  • 56% - marketing costs, alpha launch version;
  • 22% - research and development for the platform;
  • 22% - legal and organizational costs.
Distribution of funds collected during major ICO:
  • 37% of funds will operate and insurance funds;
  • 12% - development;
  • 9% - marketing;
  • 2% - technical security audit;
  • 2% - legal support;
  • 1% - operating costs.

Q1 2018

Presents the project, pre-sale on 15.03.2018

Alfa version launches

Legal and technical preparation.

Q2 2018

Conducting ICO from 01.05.2018 to 31.05.2018

Build partnerships, build funds and market projects.

Getting a listing on the exchange, forming a full working group, software development.

Q3 2018

Obtain licenses, develop solutions for different jurisdictions

Launch of a dedicated payment agent

Technical and legal audits.

Q4 2018

Global marketing campaign

Platform launch

Customize Multilanguage user interface.

Q1-2 2019

Publish a virtual card

Connecting with major trading platforms

Launches an exchange with the function of managing the collateral assets.

Q3-4 2019

Offers development services for enterprise products and smart contracts within the platform.

Added functionality to launch joint investment projects and venture capital funds.


Preparing and conducting an IPO.

The eCoinomic Platform team will provide reliable and transparent financial services that are very useful and convenient for customers because customers can manage their funds. The concept of eCoinomic platform looks very promising as it will introduce various aspects of investment and ease of access. The platform also aims to develop an international platform that connects to major trading platforms. So, the platform will have a bright future because it will create opportunities for people as well.



The platform will be based on the Ethereum ecosystem. Smart contracts will be built with reliability. The main programming language is Python. All registered users who will apply for the loan can independently establish credit conditions: the loan amount and the interest rate. The platform will automatically search for or recommend a colleague to sign a loan agreement. Applications of similar conditions will be formed in groups that will operate on FIFO (first on the first). Each platform user can become a borrower and a lender.

For More Information, Visit:
Author: lifting
Eth: 0x14DAEA80662fc2726c6348989bd2eDe94C4a1d79