Wednesday, 22 May 2019

LocalCoin is decentralized trading platform

Hello .. Friend met me again, this time I will invite you to join the "LOCALCOIN" project where this exchange site is very promising for those of you who are interested in investing funds in the ICO sales they do. If you are interested in joining this project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information in seeing their vision and mission.


Digital currencies have been having a good growth over the years, all thanks to blockchain technology which has made it possible for people to trade and invest without the fear of been scammed and hacked. Despite the growth in the market trend, crypto-currency trading has suffered and experienced set back lately as a result of insecurity, lack of transparency, low liquidity and some other major issues. 

Ever since the problems of crypto-currency trading started the whole world have been looking and hoping for an exchange platform that will bring an end to this problem and restored the confidence back to both traders and investors of crypto-currency. Lots of platforms have been tested and used by investors and traders but none could really delivered up to the expectation and this is why I think LOCALCOIN platform which is the new platform I have come to introduce will solve all the problems with the crypto-currency trades and exchanges.

LocalCoin is a blockchain based trading platform for exchange cryptocurrencies. LocalCoin is also known as a decentralized trading exchange that make the users manage their wallet and make their account to be anonymous. LocalCoin exchange allows people to trade and perform transaction anonymously without the consent of anyone including the exchange developer.

Localcoin is a Toronto-based company whose mission is to provide a simple buying/selling experience of digital currency for customers while upholding privacy across Canada. Our vision is to bring digital currency to the mainstream financial market.

Partnered with Canada’s leading corporate and franchised convenience stores, our rapidly expanding partnership network includes Gateway Newstands, Hasty Market, Quickies and more. With over 130 terminals across Canada, Localcoin has solidified it's position as the Largest Bitcoin ATM provider in the nation.

As Ontario's first provider to integrate Litecoin and Ethereum, we pride ourselves on constantly innovating in the blockchain infrastructure space. With over unprecedented YTD growth in 2017, we have been featured on major media outlets such as Vice Motherboard,, Moneysense and CP24.

Hasil gambar untuk localcoin bounty

The LocalCoin exchange has an OTC (over the counter) trading. The OTC trading is a process of trading occurring between peer to peer users of the platform being managed and monitor by an escrow. In LocalCoin exchange, user's account can never be block because the exchange is purely decentralized. This make this exchange far better than the centralized exchange that threat user’s account with blocking.

Any project core team can list their token for trading in LocalCoin exchange because they did not require any coin listing approval. The LocalCoin decentralized exchange has an eWallet. This means user can do internal transfer of coin/token within themselves.

In LocalCoin decentralized exchange, account verification is not needed. All you have to do is to register on the exchange, verify your email and start trading. Other centralized exchange do set trading limits, but such things does not exist in LocalCoin decentralized exchange. This trading platform has no trading limits; rather you trade to the length of your capacity.

In LocalCoin decentralized exchange, there is no withdrawal limits. This means users can withdraw any quantity of assets they have at the exchange at a spot. The LocalCoin platform is transparent and they make all report public to all the users of the exchange.

LocalCoin decentralized exchange has a decentralized chat that permits users to communicate with each other and probably share knowledge within themselves. The LocalCoin exchange, the hacker or the internet fraudsters have no chance here. All the transaction on this exchange are untraceable and anonymous.

The LocalCoin was designed for web compartment. It is also available on mobile app desktop app. LocalCoin decentralized exchange has a very transaction rate. The exchange will be able to handle 100k transactions per second .

The LocalCoin has a solid and faster payment process which execute transfer or withdrawal order in seconds. The LocalCoin exchange permits multi-signature account for the users of this exchange.

LocalCoin decentralized exchange has a zero trading fees apart from the network commission fees which users paid and it is very low. There is no trading fees apart from the network ridiculously low commission. All you pay is fixed network fees just to push your transactions into the blockchain.

Hasil gambar untuk localcoin bounty

Hasil gambar untuk localcoin bounty

Our team


LocalCoin is a blockchain based trading platform for exchange cryptocurrencies. LocalCoin is also known as a decentralized trading exchange that make the users manage their wallet and make their account to be anonymous. LocalCoin exchange allows people to trade and perform transaction anonymously without the consent of anyone including the exchange developer. Localcoin is a Toronto-based company whose mission is to provide a simple buying/selling experience of digital currency for customers while upholding privacy across Canada. Our vision is to bring digital currency to the mainstream financial market.

Hasil gambar untuk localcoin bounty

For More Information About LOCALCOIN, Please Click the Link Below:

Author: Tasya Nabilla

ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

Friday, 17 May 2019

BCNEX: Platform Perdagangan Ultimate Blockchain

BCNEX: Platform Perdagangan Ultimate Blockchain

Sejak kemunculan teknologi blockchain pada 2008 ketika Satoshi Nakamoto memperkenalkan bitcoin, telah ada upaya keras untuk menerapkan blockchain pada beberapa aspek proses bisnis global, teknologi Blockchain telah digambarkan memiliki potensi untuk mengganggu banyak industri dengan biaya rendah. transaksi, kekekalan, dan keamanan yang ditingkatkan. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya, banyak implementasi blockchain lainnya telah dikembangkan dengan masing-masing memperlihatkan fitur unik yang disesuaikan dengan kasus penggunaan tertentu.

Blockchain telah memungkinkan untuk mengeluarkan hampir semua aset melalui kerangka kerja buku besar yang didistribusikan. Dengan bantuan token cryptocurrency, aset ini dapat diberikan nilai ekonomi untuk memulai dan memvalidasi beberapa proses transaksional. Beberapa protokol on-chain telah dikembangkan oleh sejumlah startup dan perusahaan yang didirikan untuk menciptakan solusi berbasis blockchain.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah informasi yang menarik khususnya di dunia Cryptocurrency. Platform ICO kali ini berkaitan dengan dunia perdagangan dan investasi yang bernama BCNEX: Platform Perdagangan Ultimate Blockchain. Sebelum pembahasan ada baiknya Anda membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu memperoleh informasi dalam melihat visi misi mereka. Semoga informasi kali ini, tentunya sedikit memberikan wawasan dan ketertarikan anda untuk terlibat dengan platform ICO BCNEX.


Bitcoin adalah mata uang digital pertama tetapi bukan yang terakhir; saat ini, ada ratusan cryptocurrency yang berbeda dengan nilai pasar yang berbeda dan bahkan menawarkan teknologi yang lebih bagus darinya. Sehinga semakin banyak cryptocurrency yang bereda, maka exchange cryptocurrency juga sangat semakin dibutuhkan.

Seiring kebutuhan akan mata uang digital saat ini mungkin setiap Negara sudah memeliki pertukaran/exchanger untuk melakukan jual beli crypto seperti ETH, BTC XRP dan lain-lain. Tidak dapat dipungkiri setiap Exchanger terus meningkatkan layanan mereka untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan penuh dari penggunanya.

Asia Tenggara memiliki potensi yang baik untuk perkembangan cryptocurrency dan diantaranya Vietnam. Vietnam menjadi Negara yang memiliki pengguna internet yang besar dan hampir 80% terhubung menggunakan smartphone. Permintaan terhadap cryptocurrency juga meningkat meskipun Negara tidak melegalkan pembayaran menggunakan Bitcoin. Pemerintah Vietnam memberikan aturan bahwa bitcoin hanya digunakan sebagai asset digital bukan alat pembayaran yang sah.

Kebutuhan terhadap pertukaran (Exchanger ) tentunya menjadi hal penting bagi warga Vietnam dan untuk menjawab tantangan itu BCNEX hadir menawarkan layanan jual beli cryptocurrency dengan berbagai kelebihan. BCNEX dibuat oleh Team yang sudah berpengalaman dibidangnya selama 10 tahun. Ini menjadi jawaban terbaik untuk mendapatkan Pertukaran yang cepat, Aman dan terpercaya. Ini adalah berbagai alasan kenapa BCNEX merupakan platform yang layak diperhitungkan. 

Apa itu BCNET ?

Platform Perdagangan Ultimate Blockchain

Tempat untuk membeli, menukar, dan memperdagangkan token berbasis blockchain dan beragam aset digital di Vietnam dan seluruh dunia. Sejak 2006 ketika kami pertama kali bergabung dengan pasar Forex, kami telah meneliti dan mengembangkan sejumlah sistem perdagangan otomatis Forex. Pada tahun 2009, kami menerapkan sistem aplikasi data real-time untuk menangani transaksi lelang sen dan pencocokan pesanan sistem, dan akhirnya untuk mengoperasikan platform perdagangan untuk mitra asing kami.

Pelanggan Datang Dahulu

Bcnex akan terus menjadi dewasa dan meningkatkan untuk memberikan penggunanya pengalaman perdagangan terbaik. Itulah prinsip inti dari filosofi bisnis kami.

Mengapa Memilih Bcnex?

  1. Keamanan dan Stabilitas: Bcnex adalah platform perdagangan yang sangat aman dan stabil yang dibangun di atas arsitektur layanan mikro yang memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan yang paling ketat
  2. Berorientasi Pelanggan: Pengguna akan diberikan platform yang ramah pengguna dan eksklusif yang memberi mereka pengalaman perdagangan terbaik, baik di desktop maupun Aplikasi seluler kami
  3. Mesin Perdagangan Institusional: Mesin perdagangan latensi cepat, akurat, dan rendah dengan skalabilitas fleksibel dapat menangani hingga 2.000.000 pesanan per detik
  4. Likuiditas Tinggi: Dengan sumber likuiditas yang kaya dan berlimpah, Bcnex memastikan bahwa setiap transaksi pada sistem dijalankan tanpa penundaan dan banyak perantara.
  5. Pasar Beragam: Selain mendukung berbagai cryptocurrency arus utama, kami terus memperluas penawaran kami dengan token kualitas lainnya
  6. Dukungan Khusus 24/7: Tim kami bekerja sepanjang waktu untuk menjawab setiap pertanyaan yang Anda miliki, menyelesaikan masalah teknis dan bisnis dengan segera

BCNX Token

Bcnex dioperasikan dengan token asli bernama BCNX. Tepatnya akan ada 200.000.000 (dua ratus juta) BCNX dikeluarkan, dan dikembalikan tidak akan pernah meningkat. BCNX adalah token standar ERC223 yang dirilis pada blockchain Ethereum.

Penggunaan Token

BCNX digunakan untuk berdagang, membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency di Bcnex, dan juga dapat digunakan untuk membayar biaya transaksi dan menerima insentif hingga 75%.

Standar ERC223

BCNX dikembangkan sesuai dengan standar ERC223 untuk meningkatkan keamanan, mengembalikan token dan membawa Manfaat lebih praktis untuk pengguna di ekosistem Bcnex.

Bcnex Coin Burn

Membatasi total pasokan BCNX dengan membakar token adalah dasar dari model bisnis Bcnex. Ini akan membantu nilai BCNX mengambil alih token lain di pasar perdagangan crypto.

  • HARGA TOKEN: $ 0,15- $ 0,45
  • PASOKAN TOTAL: 200.000.000
  • CAP LEMBUT: $ 2.000.000
  • KERAS KERAS: $ 15.000.000
  • NEGARA: Singapura
  • WHITELIST: Tidak
  • KYC: Ya

  • 50% dialokasikan untuk Token Penjualan
  • 38% dialokasikan untuk Anggota Tim dan Penempatan
  • 5% dialokasikan untuk Investor Angel
  • 5% dialokasikan untuk cadangan
  • 2% dialokasikan untuk Program Bounty

  • 40% dialokasikan untuk pengembangan platform
  • 40% dialokasikan untuk Branding dan Pemasaran
  • 10% Dialokasikan untuk Hukum dan Audit
  • 10% dialokasikan untuk dana cadangan


  • Q1 2017 - Penelitian pasar. Konseptualisasi platform perdagangan Blockchain
  • Q2 2017 - Perekrutan bakat dan personil kunci
  • Q3 - Q4 2017 - Desain arsitektur sistem, menyelesaikan fungsi dasar platform
  • Q1 - Q2 2018 - Terus memperbarui sistem, kembangkan mesin perdagangan Bcnex
  • Q3 2018 - Melakukan formalitas hukum dan menyelesaikan whitepaper
  • Q4 2018 - Putaran Pendanaan Angel
  • Q1 2019 - Rencana hukum dan pemasaran untuk acara penjualan token Bcnex
  • Q2 - Q3 2019 - Peluncuran acara penjualan Token. Platform perdagangan Bcnex resmi ditayangkan
  • Q4 2019 - Kembangkan ide awal ekosistem startup Bcnex
  • Q1 2020 - Eksperimen dan lanjutkan untuk memperkenalkan perdagangan margin
  • Q2 2020 - Akan diumumkan
  • Q3 - Q4 2020 - Akan diumumkan

Tim Kami

Penasihat dan Investor

Mitra Kami


Ketika memilih pertukaran cryptocurrency, penting untuk menyeimbangkan sejumlah pertimbangan yang berbeda. Pertukaran adalah semua cara yang berbeda dan berbeda dalam membangun tindakan pencegahan keamanan, mengatur pengguna, membangun jaringan mereka, dan membangun pengalaman pengguna. BCNEX menghadirkan jawaban atas masalah keamanan dan layanan terbaik di Vietnam. dengan berbagai fitur yang disediakan BCNEX akan mampu bersaing dengan Exchanger yang sudah ada.

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Tentang Platform BCNEX, Silakan Kunjungi Tautan Di Bawah Ini:
Penulis: Tasya Nabilla

ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

Friday, 10 May 2019

WISE - Powering IoT & M2M Economy Powerful Blockchain Integration

Hasil gambar untuk wise token

If we continue to discuss technological sophistication that continues to grow as it is today, it will never run out. Because experts from all parts continue to develop their work without knowing the word stop. This is the same as one of the platforms called WISE which you can find at This platform offers many features in its products. Let's look at the following reviews:

About WISE

Platform Wise relies on the advantages of the blockchain technology system to strengthen its network. Blockchain is known as a distributed and changeable cash book technology that is used to conduct transactions through data in a distributed and decentralized manner. By creating a system called analog-mixed-signal and system-on-a-chip (AMS-SoC), this system can be embedded in any type of device, using proof of ownership to provide consensus for cash books distributed on private blockchain networks with public blockchain as a double layer to create a large market for the distribution of WSE utility tokens. Wise network aims to overcome the main problems that occur in IoT (Internet of Things) so that devices can connect with other devices easily and through intelligent systems. This connection between devices allows users to share data through reliable system operations.

At the beginning of the emergence of blockchain technology, this has become a serious concern for many people, especially information technology developers. This is partly due to the reason that this system is a system with a high level of security, decentralization, immutability, high program capabilities, and other security that can benefit IoT devices. In the blockchain system, networks running inside can tolerate errors and hold up to 1/3 node failures. In the Byzantine fault tolerance model, components are left to fail in the system if their conditions are damaged, the connection is lost, or if the output is dangerous. Error tolerance systems can work better in the real world, where nodes in the system can adjust processes in unexpected ways. Therefore, the level of network security needed can be achieved by tolerating Byzantine errors, such as fighting attacks from MITM and DDoS

This platform is programmable, where on the blockchain a smart contract system is used or a smart contract that allows users to access various things independently only through their devices. This also allows users to make exchange transactions between devices even if they do not meet face to face with other parties. Transaction verification is done through codes and other nodes. This program can be easily applied in any IoT device. The process that occurs is static and allows changes in interaction between devices.

Another advantage of the blockchain system that is already familiar is the high level of data accuracy. Every transaction data that takes place through an IoT device will be stored in a decentralized cash book, which we know as a blockchain. These data are permanent where they cannot be changed or manipulated. When and where the transaction takes place, how many digital assets are transferred, and various other transaction data are stored securely and are only listed as the transaction process took place. This system also provides good transparency to its users to access transaction data on the blockchain network. A person cannot damage the data that has been stored in the block, but he is allowed to access the application, such as authentication, time stamp, audit trail, and identity management. Through this method, the Wise platform seeks to support user transaction processes safely with reliable data.

Blockchain system implemented by Wise allows no party to control because everything is decentralized. No special party is involved in each process. Everything that happens only relies on technology network performance. This process mostly takes place with a minimum failure rate. However, each data is centralized at one point. The blockchain system works without involving human contributions in full to interconnect various devices and can transact with each other. That way, this system has helped reduce excessive costs that are generally issued by users as operating costs to third parties who help process transactions. This is what makes the blockchain a thrifty system through reducing transaction costs and facilitating small transactions at no cost. Decentralization can overcome privacy issues and data issues that are fully controlled by companies that monopolize the market. Wise creates a transaction scope that is open to anyone through IoT devices and can freely connect and interact directly with other users.

Blockchain technology dominates the Wise network system through useful applications. Wise reduces the workload of a blockchain so that it can optimize the process performance and reduce excessive memory consumption. By using digital currency, users can pay data and algorithms instantly. Secure interaction between devices can enhance the reputation of this platform in the eyes of the wider community.


WSE is an advanced token that is made inside the SMC radio framework. The token is created with each radio transmission and is local to blockchain innovation. The token empowers the obtaining of IoT/Mobile related administrations accessible on the decentralized application store to get to facilitate abilities. WSE is made utilizing wide scope of clearing radio frequencies that are encoded to accomplish propelled security levels. The WSE opens a whole universe of potential outcomes to give IoT arrange highlights like versatile application stores, around the world.

Dates and details of the ICO

Pre-sale coins will be held in period from 19th April to 19th June and the public from the 19th July to the 30th of September. During this period, the developers intend to implement WSE for a total of $ 90 million. You can buy coins for Fiat money, as well as for BTC and ETH coins.

Token Details
  • Token: WISE
  • Simbol: WSE
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Available for sale: 35,000,000 WSE (35%)
  • ICO Price: 1 WSE = 10 USD
  • Pre-sale Time: 19 Apr 2019 - 19 June 2019
  • ICO Time: 19 July 2019 - 30 Sept 2019
  • Hard cap: 40000000 USD
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Whitelist/KYC: KYC
  • Country: Costa Rica


The Wise Network team really made a big plan, according to its own ideas and scale, which was intended to make innovative and authentic breakthroughs in the field of IoT, blockchain technology, and M2M economics. The Wise Network will expand the boundaries of possibilities and, thanks to its own innovative development, will enable introducing advanced technology to all the markets that exist today and modernize all areas of life.


Wise is an innovative developer of analog-mixed-signal, system-on-a-chip (AMS-SoC) integrated circuits that empower IoT and mobile networks through blockchain technology while introducing a new concept, radio based IoT. Wise's enigma IC can use Wi-Fi or Cellular networks to communicate with other Enigma ICs. In addition, the Wise microchip can communicate via its own radio waves in a wide variety of frequencies and in locations where there are no cellular or Wi-Fi services. This feature opens an entire world of IoT and network possibilities for remote locations.

Friday, 3 May 2019

DAYTA - decentralized data exchange.

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Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Altcoin seems like a good tool for exchanging around the world. Yes, forget certain real currencies that are only available in certain countries. Along with the development of internet technology, any transaction can be done globally by using it. Interestingly, not only is it more flexible to shop or buy something, it seems you have to use Cryptocurrency in a smarter way. One of them is to use it as an object of trade and investment. So, how is it?

Of course, first of all, you must join the Cryptocurrency site platform that allows you to carry out funding activities such as trade and investment. It is very difficult, especially for crimes such as fraud that are quite common nowadays. Meanwhile, there are many sites out there that offer such facilities without you probably knowing whether it's valid or not. for this, it is recommended that you use DAYTA - a decentralized data exchange. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and lots of great features. This is even more interesting because consultation and discussion is available here to support you to become more successful later.


The function of the cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology, which is an information storage system in the form of a block chain. In this case, all information is stored on various devices participating in this system, while anyone can become a member of this system (something similar to a torrent during information distribution / downloading). During transactions, information about the payment is displayed on all devices (data is synchronized via the Internet), making it almost impossible to hack the system. Therefore, companies one by one enter this area, because the advantages of developing projects in this system are clear. So, DAYTA is a blockchain based platform that allows you to protect data and make money. The idea of ​​Dayta is to simultaneously solve many data protection, approval and confidentiality issues.

Dayta is the future of DAYTA tokens-based personal data exchange. The main idea of ​​Dayta is to simultaneously solve many data protection, approval, and confidentiality issues. The team developed an action plan to create a safe, easy to use and reliable Dapp mechanism and share personal information in an integrated digital ecosystem. The aim is to provide all participants, from company to user, with the protection and benefits of a personal data chain that will ensure effective data audits and transparent intellectual contracts and agreements. DAYTA - decentralized data exchanges occur in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) through the blockchain Ethereum.

At the application level, three interested parties can connect to the blockchain using an ad-hoc application:

  • The application component specifically stores personal user data and provides functionality for checking and sharing this data.
  • The meter is equipped with components that allow you to validate user data and store digital fingerprints from data in the block chain.
  • Components for data services allow you to request access to data and store it temporarily after authorization.

At the blokcheyna level, there are three main functional smart contracts:

  • Dayta Token - Token service platform used in Dayta economic data
  • Hash independent user data data stored in blokcheyne to ensure that the data matches the initial general data, which is confirmed by miners checking the platform
  • Implementation of data exchange agreements between users and data services in the form of smart contracts.

Initially, Dayta DApp will work in the public Ethereum block chain. However, blockchain technology is still relatively new, and technological uncertainty means you can only speculate about the scalability, cost, and performance of the Ethereum platform in the future. For this reason, the Dayta team will study new blockchain technologies, such as Plasma, to transfer the system to a special block chain, if deemed appropriate. The blockchain architecture, which consists of smart contracts, is designed with modularity in mind to facilitate this potential migration.

Below is a multi-level architecture of the smart contract system, which is used on the Etherchain chain. The agreement is implemented in a separate contract that follows the factory design. The factory agreement is responsible for using contracts for each type of agreement. Smart contracts connect users with testers to send approved hash data to the data registry. Please note that actual data is not stored on the blockchain. Finally, the contract with the Dayta intellectual token implemented a platform service token.

Hasil gambar untuk mydayta bounty

A typical application is a Dayta wallet that is compatible with ERC-20

  • User applications: web applications and mobile applications allow users to interact with the blockchain. Both applications store data on the user's device and provide functionality to easily request data confirmation and respond to data access requests
  • Verification application. Verifier allows you to automatically receive verification requests from the verification request queue. The KYC verification field is filled in, the data is verified, the hash is calculated and sent to the blockchain
  • Data services: system services (daemons) allow data service providers to have constant access to the blockchain. This service holds data provided by users and provides a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface that can be used by applications that use this data.

Why Dayta?

  • Get the benefits of your personal data: Dayta allows Users to finally take part in profits generated by the company by using our data for marketing purposes, analysis of behavior and customer insight. Users, Business and Miners
  • Blockchain Infrastructure: plays an independent role but is interrelated, Supported by the blockchain Daychain and managed through DAYTA tokens.
  • GDPR & Data Protection: Dayta has a GDPR-ready design to ensure users can easily manage and benefit from their data worldwide.


The DAYTA Token will be used as part of the Dayta ecosystem to facilitate approval agreements with companies that want to use personal information and process data with the owner of the personal information itself. All data is stored locally by users, and agreements are enshrined through smart contracts on the Daychain blockchain and therefore cannot be restored, transparent and secure. No new tokens will be created.

The Investor Phase is underway and will end in April 2019, Pre-sale starts May 1, 2019, and the Main sale is scheduled for May 11, 2019, thanks to which you can become part of the DAYTA project and not just a participant, but a full shareholder of this company by acquiring tokens DAYTA.

Token details
  • Token: DAYTA
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC20
  • Available for sale: 1,500,000,000 DAYTA (60%)
  • Pre-sale time: 28 June 2019 - 12 July 2019
  • ICO Time: 12 July 2019 - 9 August 2019
  • Pre-sale price: 1 DAYTA = 0.0000193 ETH
  • ICO Price: 1 DAYTA = 0.0000296 ETH
  • Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
  • Soft cap: 3,000 ETH
  • Hard cap: 45,000 ETH
  • White List / KYC: KYC
  • Country: UK

Hasil gambar untuk mydayta bounty

Hasil gambar untuk mydayta bounty


Dayta is the future of DAYTA tokens-based personal data exchange. The main idea of Dayta is to simultaneously solve many data protection, approval, and confidentiality issues. The team developed an action plan to create a safe, easy to use and reliable Dapp mechanism and share personal information in an integrated digital ecosystem. The aim is to provide all participants, from company to user, with the protection and benefits of a personal data chain that will ensure effective data audits and transparent intellectual contracts and agreements.

Hasil gambar untuk mydayta bounty

For More Information About DAYTA, Please Click the Link Below:

Saturday, 27 April 2019

PrepayWay is a blockchain ecosystem that simplifies and streamlines international collaboration, contracting, and payments for companies across multiple industries.

Since the emergence of blockchain technology in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced bitcoin, there have been hard efforts to implement blockchain on several aspects of global business processes, Blockchain technology has been described as having the potential to disrupt many industries at low cost. transactions, eternity, and enhanced security. In the following years, many other blockchain implementations have been developed with each showing unique features tailored to specific use cases.

Blockchain has made it possible to issue almost all assets through the distributed ledger framework. With the help of cryptocurrency tokens, these assets can be given economic value to start and validate some transactional processes. Several on-chain protocols have been developed by a number of startups and companies that were established to create blockchain-based solutions.

On this occasion I will provide interesting information, especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. This ICO project related to the world of Commerce, called PrepayWay is a blockchain ecosystem that simplifies and streamlines international collaboration, contracting, and payments for companies across multiple industries. Before the discussion, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help get information in seeing their vision and mission. Hopefully this information, of course, will give you a little insight and interest in getting involved with the ICO PrepayWay Project.

About PrepayWay

We all know that being to run an international business always experiences several problems such as a manual payment system using a lot of paper documents which are very vulnerable to transparency, a low level of security and reduced trust. The effect of all this is that finally all stakeholders who have an interest in this business such as suppliers, buyers, until the transporters experience problems with stunted cash flows, payment disputes, and difficult to maintain liquidity problems. These problems exist and continue to run if we make payments on international trade transactions by manual method and will give a big domino effect too. For this reason, PrePayWay is here to provide an international payment solution that is able to solve problems by building a blockchain ecosystem.

PrepayWay is a blockchain ecosystem that simplifies and streamlines international collaboration, contracts and payments for companies in various industries. The solutions presented by PrepayWay will revolve around combining the functions of banks, lawyers, arbitration agencies and escrow agents through digital contracts, self-run smart contracts, payment options for fiat and cryptocurrency, escrow services, and dispute resolution.

PrepayWay Blockchain Ecosystem has been designed to be self-expanding and effortlessly scalable to support all types of international business operations, ranging from real estate to global commercial trade, with market size of up to 15 trillion USD.

The idea for PrepayWay was born in Switzerland, where computer science, banking, international business, and legal professionals came together to revolutionize business processes. Coming from a plethora of professional backgrounds, the diversely experienced team is dedicated to creating an ecosystem that facilitates secure, swift, transparent commercial transactions, all while reducing transaction costs.

All solutions developed by the Blockchain ecosystem PrepayWay focus on helping traders, logistics, crypto industries, and personal users.

  • PrepayWay RealEstate: This solution makes real estate transactions direct, safe, flexible, and transparent by eliminating third parties and enabling digital contract signing.
  • PrepayWay Global Trade: With this blockchain solution, international business transactions are safer and more convenient through smart contracts that run themselves and store transaction data on the blockchain.
  • SmartArb: This is a dispute resolution network with international mediation and arbitration experts who use smart contracts to provide fair, reliable and efficient dispute resolution services.
  • Elleeo: Elleeo is a loan market where Prepaid users can borrow or lend to each other using real assets as collateral.

Hasil gambar untuk prepayway bounty

  • Integrated Payment Gateway: Secure money transfer mechanism and integrated payment channels in the form of digital currencies and fiat currencies with reliable and licensed escrow partner support.
  • Tamper Proof Transactions: By combining decentralized data storage on the blockchain with smart contracts that are self-implemented for all transactions, PrepayWay ensures there is transparency and the ability to track all transactions. This, in turn, reduces fraud and theft of funds.
  • Smart Contracts: All smart contracts in PrepayWay are automatically executed which reduce the risk of fraud and eliminate the need for intermediaries to carry out contracts. This reduces legal fees, arbitration fees, and other transaction costs. However, to activate or access smart contracts, users must obtain an InBit token.
  • Agreement Customization: PrepayWay has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that can adjust agreements. The interface also displays recommendations and detailed explanations that can be accessed in various languages.
  • Enforceable Agreements: In Prepaid ecosystems, participants can obtain legally binding agreement templates designed by legal experts and lawyers in accordance with the laws and national regulations of a particular country.
  • Smart Dispute Resolution: SmartArb gives members of the PrepayWay ecosystem efficient and enforceable dispute resolution methods for international businesses.

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Token PrepayWay (InBit)

InBit tokens are required to access and activate Smart Contracts. As long as the Smart Contract remains in force and effect, the service fee paid in tokens is locked as part of the Smart Contract.The more Smart Contracts are in use at any point in time, the more tokens are locked. The number of InBit tokens frozen at any point in time has a direct correlation with the demand for our Smart Contracts.

Token details

  • Token: InBit
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC20
  • Available for sale: 6,500,000,000 InBit (50.93%)
  • Pre-sale price: 1 InBit = 0.003 EUR
  • ICO time: April 18, 2019 - TBA
  • ICO Price: 1 InBit = 0.01 EUR
  • Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH
  • Hard stamp: 50,000,000 EUR
  • White List / KYC: White List + KYC
  • Country: Switzerland

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  • The seed investment round was successfully closed.
  • Prepaid Core Team.
  • PrepayWay AG (HQ in Switzerland) was established.
  • Prepaid System Swiss AG is established - Escrow service provider.
  • Prepaid Prepaid System Estonia OÜ was established.
  • Application and registration of the PrepayWay® trademark.
  • SmartArb® trademark application and registration.
  • Application and trademark registration of Inbit® (tokens).

  • Prepaid Ecosystem Business logic.
  • Prepaid Real Estate business logic.
  • Elleeo's business logic.
  • SmartArb business logic.
  • Elleeo's prototype.
  • The SmartArb model clause is published.
  • Elleeo demo is fully functional.
  • Prepaid Real Estate Prepaid contracts and closed testing negotiation processes.

Q1 - Q2 2019
  • Stage 1 fundraising.
  • SRO membership application.
  • Visual prototype of Prepaid Real Estate.
  • Demo version of the process of creating a real estate agreement.
  • SmartArb rules are issued.

Q3 - Q4 2019
  • Prepaid Global Trade Prototype.
  • SmartArb as a fully functional institution of mediation and arbitration.
  • Elleeo MVP,

Q1 - Q2 2020
  • MVP Prepaid Real Estate.
  • Multi-language country-specific legal templates.
  • Framework for Fiat-crypto gateways.
  • Crypto-crypto gateway framework.

Our team

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Our partners

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Hasil gambar untuk prepayway bounty


PrepayWay is a blockchain ecosystem that simplifies and streamlines international collaboration, contracts and payments for companies in various industries. The solutions presented by PrepayWay will revolve around combining the functions of banks, lawyers, arbitration agencies and escrow agents through digital contracts, self-run smart contracts, payment options for fiat and cryptocurrency, escrow services, and dispute resolution. PrepayWay Blockchain Ecosystem has been designed to be self-expanding and effortlessly scalable to support all types of international business operations, ranging from real estate to global commercial trade, with market size of up to 15 trillion USD.