Sunday, 17 February 2019

Venoty ca o platformă construită pentru dezvoltarea aplicațiilor copiilor prin creativitate.

Bună ziua .. Prietenul ma întâlnit din nou, de această dată vă voi invita să vă înscrieți în proiectul "VENOTY", unde site-urile de dezvoltare personală pentru copii prin creativitate. Acest lucru este foarte promițător pentru cei dintre voi care sunt interesați să-și investească fondurile în vânzările ICO pe care le fac. Dacă sunteți interesat să vă înscrieți în acest proiect, este o idee bună să citiți recenzii care vă pot ajuta să obțineți informații în vederea viziunii și misiunii lor. Acesta este un tip de platformă Cryptocurrency cu cerințe simple, acces ușor și multe caracteristici extraordinare. Acest lucru este cu atât mai interesant, deoarece consultările și discuțiile sunt disponibile aici pentru a vă susține să deveniți mai reușite mai târziu.


Moneda digitală sau frecvent denumită criptocurrency este o monedă virtuală care nu are formă fizică. Crytocurency înseamnă tehnologie monetară a cărei tranzacție este invizibilă și sigură. Deși nu are o formă fizică, această monedă are un curs de schimb față de monedele convenționale. Cryptocurrency a existat acum aproape zece ani și a devenit foarte populară, răspândită și înconjurată de multe controverse din partea dezvoltărilor inovatoare. Citând de pe site-ul, există în prezent 904 tipuri de monede cripto, iar cel mai cunoscut este Bitcoin. Bitcoin a reușit, de asemenea, să ridice prețul altor valute criptate.

Recunoaștem că tehnologia blocurilor a vizat până acum sectorul financiar, dar suntem încrezători că acum este gata să ofere mai multe oportunități pentru a asigura identitatea și pentru a asigura schimbul de date prin protocoale speciale. De asemenea, știm că această tehnologie se poate mișca cu ușurință spre un mediu educațional protejat. unde copiii își pot dezvolta personalitatea într-un mod echilibrat și natural, supravegheați și ghidat de părinții lor, care pot acționa ca "facilitatori" în modul în care copiii duc la cunoaștere prin joc, imaginație și creativitate.

Ce este VENOTY?

Venoty este o aplicație destinată părinților responsabili care doresc să-și educe copiii în mod creativ și să le ofere informații precise, echilibrate și bine structurate de la naștere (sau mai devreme) până la vârste tinere.

Conținutul platformei Venoty a fost creat de specialiști în domeniul instruirii și IT în funcție de nevoile copiilor. Venoty a fost, de asemenea, conceput pentru a fi instrumentul perfect pentru a ghida copiii prin dezvoltarea lor personală. Ei fac cea mai mare parte a sarcinii pe care o au părinții de-a lungul vârstei de dezvoltare a copiilor.

Până în prezent, au fost dezvoltate proiecte și proiecte în diverse sectoare, inclusiv sectorul financiar cu lanțuri bloc. Lantul de blocuri este una dintre cele mai bune tehnologii pentru problemele de schimb de date prin autentificarea protocolului special. Dezvoltarea personalității copilului într-o manieră echilibrată și naturală poate juca un rol de facilitare în obținerea de informații cu imaginația și creativitatea copiilor, fiind urmărită și regizată de părinți.

Scopul acestui proiect este de a oferi copiilor resursele necesare dezvoltării corecte prin compilarea informațiilor. Organizarea și dirijarea minții la creativitate folosește diferite metode de poezie, puzzle-uri, sunete pentru exerciții psihiatrice, activități matematice pentru activități interactive orale. Scopul lui Venoty este de a crea o platformă multiculturală ușor accesibilă pentru toate tipurile de formare pentru utilizatorii de diferite vârste și țări, bazate pe tehnologia cu lanț bloc.

Ecosistemul Venoty a fost construit pentru a dezvolta aplicații pentru dezvoltarea copiilor prin creativitate cu piețe, care au multe varietăți de cărți și conținut audio. Acest lucru este conceput pentru a arăta foarte simplu atunci când în circumstanțe foarte complexe, cu un nivel ridicat de securitate fără publicitate cu propriul dvs. conținut special. Profesorii, psihologii, actorii, teatrul, designerii grafici și cei mai buni dezvoltatori cu acces la diferite domenii culturale vor fi implicați în acest proiect.

Urmând unul din principiile de bază ale semnificației pieței, "toți oamenii câștigă", vă invităm să veniți și să împărtășiți cu noi cunoștințele necesare pentru a ajuta copiii.

Principalele caracteristici ale platformei Venoty:

  • Trimiterea adresei Venoty.
  • Cerere gratuită fără anunțuri.
  • Conținutul original.
  • Conținut în mai multe limbi internaționale.
  • Sistemul online de protecție a copilului.
  • Beneficiile Venoty sunt generate în aplicație.
  • Sfaturi privind activitățile familiale săptămânale.


Ce pot face părinții (administratorii) pe platforma Venoty:

  • Creați, editați și gestionați mai multe profiluri.
  • Gestionați conținutul în funcție de vârstă.
  • Raportați timpul petrecut în aplicație.
  • Au control parental.
  • Încorporați parola în contul de administrator.
  • Trimite invitații.
  • Accesul la piața Venoty.
  • Vedeți informații despre balanță.
  • Achiziționarea de achiziții istorice.
  • Primiți notificări.
  • Utilizați valutele venotă în funcție de preferințele dvs.
  • Principala aplicație.

Ce poate face un copil pe platforma Venoty:

  • Accesați conținutul sugerat de părinți.
  • Dezvoltați cunoștințe generale.
  • Creșteți emoțional.
  • Crește creativitatea și creativitatea.
  • Obțineți abilități de auto-îngrijire.
  • Obțineți obiective stabilite de părinți.
  • Petreceți timp de calitate cu părinții prin sugestii de activitate săptămânale.
  • Vedeți răspunsurile părinților.

Funcția de piață:

  • Cont, împreună cu cererea.
  • Platformă pentru utilizarea premiilor obținute pe platformă.
  • FIAT este moneda noastră.
  • Plata securizata.
  • Business 2 clienți.
  • O carte care să ghideze părinții în procesul de dezvoltare al copilului.
  • Cărți cu povestiri pentru copii, formate text și audio.
  • Cartea educativă.
  • Muzică pentru a continua dezvoltarea creierului la sugari

Monedele Venoty sunt monede digitale care permit plăți instantanee oricui, oriunde în lume și utilizează tehnologia peer-to-peer pentru a funcționa fără autoritate centrală.

Venoty este lansat folosind algoritmul Scrypt pe care îl apreciem ca fiind cel mai potrivit algoritm disponibil în prezent, care este în concordanță cu obiectivele noastre. Se remarcă datorită faptului că este mai eficientă în comparație cu alți algoritmi.

Scrypt permite aproape oricui, cu capabilități CPU / GPU, să-și moneze Venoty, algoritmul este ASIC care este rezistent și utilizează Dark Gravity Wave V3. Dark Gravity Wave (DGW) este un algoritm de ajustare a sursei deschise pentru criptocurrency bazat pe Bitcoin.

Avantajele monedei Venoty;
  • Evidența egală a abordării muncii
  • Plăți anonime
  • Criptarea de coperți
  • Procesare mai rapidă
  • Structura măsurabilă
  • Exploatarea eficientă

Detalii despre token
  • Token: VNT
  • Platformă: Scriptura
  • Tipul de tip Token: Utilitate
  • Disponibil în vânzare: 4,000,000 VNT (80%)
  • Timp înainte de vânzare: Mar 05 2019 - 05 Apr 2019
  • Ora ICO: 05 aprilie 2019 - 05 mai 2019
  • Preț pre-vânzare: 1 VNT = 0,3 EUR
  • Preț ICO: 1 VNT = 0,45 EUR
  • Acceptarea: BTC, BCH, LTC, Dash
  • Capacul soft: 1.000.000 EUR
  • Hard cap: 3.000.000 EUR
  • Țară: România


Q2 2017
Bazându-ne pe experiența noastră în domeniul criptoforei, extracție, schimb și lucrare cu diverse proiecte în blockchain, am început să dezvoltăm idei noi de monede bazate pe algoritmul Scrypt, un expert care are ca scop sprijinirea platformelor pentru etapa de dezvoltare a copilului. . Aceasta este originea ideii platformei Venoty. Am creat infrastructura pentru a menține platforma de blocuri Venoty.

Q4 2017
Dezvoltarea de concepte și planuri de afaceri. Angajați cu consultanți și pregătiți studii financiare, de marketing și de cercetare socială.

Q2 2018
Am început să dezvoltăm monedele Venoty, inclusiv portofelele pentru linux, ferestre și macos, software-ul pachet, explorator bloc, portofele de hârtie și testarea presiunii.

Q1 2019
Am lansat o campanie pre-premiată și am lansat cartea albă Venoty. Lansat campania de la Venoty ICO. Monedele vor fi trimise proprietarului la sfârșitul campaniei ICO pentru a preveni exploatarea minieră înainte de lansarea oficială

Q2 2019
Lansat site-ul principal, monede Venoty cu explorator bloc, portofel și colecții oficiale. Distribuția inițială a monedelor. Fiți pregătit să deschideți discuții pentru piața valutară și gateway-ul de plată.

Q3 2019
Continuați să dezvoltați platforma și piața Venoty. Secure rețelele Venoty prin încurajarea utilizatorilor de a-și mina și de a-și face portofelele. Creșteți și mențineți nucleul Venoty. Dezvoltați și eliberați portofelele pentru web și celular. Continuați să măriți funcționalitatea și să creșteți hardware-ul.

Q1 2020
Platformele Venoty și de lansare pe piață se află în beta închis, iar înregistrarea deschisă pentru 2000 de utilizatori pentru testare și depanare. Urmați-ne pe canalul de telegrame pentru viitoarele înregistrări apropiate de beta.

Q4 2020
Descărcare finală pentru platforma și piața Venoty.

Echipa noastră

Consilierul nostru


Venoty este o aplicație destinată părinților responsabili care doresc să-și educe copiii în mod creativ și să le ofere informații precise, echilibrate și bine structurate de la naștere (sau mai devreme) până la vârste tinere. Scopul acestui proiect este de a oferi copiilor resursele necesare dezvoltării corecte prin compilarea informațiilor. Organizarea și dirijarea minții la creativitate folosește diferite metode de poezie, puzzle-uri, sunete pentru exerciții psihiatrice, activități matematice pentru activități interactive orale.

Image result for venoty bounty

Pentru Mai multi informații despre Venoty, faceți click Mai jos:

Autor: Tasya Nabilla
ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

VELIC is a crypto-finance platform that focuses on security including asset management, loans, and vault services.

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Hello .. Friend met me again, this time I will invite you to join the "VELIC" project where this exchange site is very promising for those of you who are interested in investing their funds in ICO sales they do. If you are interested in joining this project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information in seeing their vision and mission. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and lots of great features. This is even more interesting because consultation and discussion are available here to support you to become more successful later.


Cryptocurrency is now recognized by the entire financial industry, even though investors are not yet fully committed to marketing it. Because it sees still a lack of public confidence in the blockchain technology system. This happens because there is still a lack of still lack of openness in financial instruments, risk management, transparency of institutions, professional investors and the sophistication needed by investors.

What is VELIC?

VELIC is a security-focused crypto-finance platform, upon which a range of advanced products and services are being built and delivered. VELIC’s goal is to provide access to the crypto-finance arena for prudent investors, including institutions. The VELIC suite of crypto-financial services will include Asset Management, Loans and Vault Services. The platform will be tied together by the VELIC crypto exchange. 

VELIC utilizes a proprietary ‘Secret Sharing’ protocol to deliver institutional grade security. Under this protocol, private keys are encrypted and then divided into “shares” for storage by multiple verified holders, including those outside the VELIC ecosystem. Shares cannot be synthesized by VELIC or any of the storages alone and the individual shares are of no use on their own, thus eliminating any single point of failure.

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Although it is a new financial instrument, the cryptocurrency has done well. Coins are stable in part they hedge the gap between fiat and cryptocurrency. At present, the crypto-based VELIC financial ecosystem will cement existing fragments. Problems such as hacking, risk management are limited, and price volatility will decrease.

Despite the fact that some forms of cryptographic money that have been traded in the past have not helped the cause of massive crypto adoption following challenges and problems of transparency, we are pleased to announce the inclusion of a one-stop solution for all challenges called VELIC. This is one of the leading innovative infrastructures that offers several positive multi-service functionalities and solutions to offer. Velic has some amazing features that will strengthen new dynamics in the crypto ecosystem and this includes:
  • Vault: Safely stores access to crypto assets. Including major loss prevention and solutions for asset transfers if extreme events occur.
  • Exchange: Provides the best crypto environment and asset trading experience by hosting a safe and transparent crypto-to-crypto trading service.
  • Loan: Borrow or loan crypto assets at preferential prices.
  • Investment: Various investment products used to achieve various levels of exposure to crypto assets.
  • Crypto Asset: All of these services will be based on Crypto Assets.

VELIC will expand the private loan market while also offering members of the Lendo community network a variety of additional services, such as crypto wallets, credit cards and exchange of crypto trading, which leads to a complete crypto banking ecosystem.

VELIC uses the IEO (Initial Exchange Offer) system in February 2019. With the IEO, everything works differently. Startups that carry out the IEO will rely on exchanges or multiple exchanges to complete crowdfunding campaigns. The exchange may be responsible for smart contracts that receive money in exchange for tokens, for example, or for sales marketing. During the IEO, investors will send money to an exchange wallet or smart contract. The exchange will then send the token to the user.

VELIC has a 'first mover' advantage in the emerging sector that connects Fintech with banking and financial services. This gives the loan company with the technology and expertise needed to take advantage of the many loan benefits of cryptocurrency as a security guarantee. This will allow conventional lenders to build new client bases of crypto asset owners, as well as internationally and empower them to confidently move forward into the digital future.

VELIC economic token

The VELIC ICO token economy helps solve this problem using three proprietary tokens used in the VELIC Platform while allowing more convenient access to the entire crypto economy and so on.
  • VELT (VELIC Token): VELT Tokens drive the VELIC ecosystem. It is mined through participation platforms and can be used for services in the VELIC ecosystem in the form of cost reduction.
  • VELA (VELIC Authority): VELA tokens have a 1: 1 conversion ratio with VELT tokens. By choosing to convert VELT tokens to VELA tokens, the holder will be able to receive rebates on the trading commission.
  • VELD (VELIC Dollar): VELD Tokens are stable coin which will be issued by VELIC and can be supported by various assets including fiat, other stable assets (such as USDT, USDC and TUSD) and other digital assets. It functions as a constant store of value, preserving the wealth of users within the VELIC Platform.

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Token details

  • Token: VELT
  • Platform: ICON
  • Token type: IRC2
  • Available for sale: 900,000,000 VELT (60%)
  • Total supply: 1,500,000,000 VELT
  • ICO price: 0.01 = USDT
  • Receive: BTC, ICX
  • ICO Time: Mar 04 2019 - 06 Mar 2019
  • White List / KYC: White List + KYC
  • Country: Singapore

Token distribution

Our team


VELIC will expand the private loan market while also offering members of the Lendo community network a variety of additional services, such as crypto wallets, credit cards and exchange of crypto trading, which leads to a complete crypto banking ecosystem.

VELIC has a 'first mover' advantage in the emerging sector that connects Fintech with banking and financial services. This gives the loan company with the technology and expertise needed to take advantage of the many loan benefits of cryptocurrency as a security guarantee. This will allow conventional lenders to build new client bases of crypto asset owners, as well as internationally and empower them to confidently move forward into the digital future.

For more information about VELIC, please click below:
Author: Tasya Nabilla
ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Klickzie: Next Generation of Social Media and Digital Networks.

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On this occasion, I will provide interesting information, especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. This ICO project is related to the world of commerce called Klickzie as the Next Generation of Social Media and Digital Networks. Before the discussion, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help obtain information in seeing their vision and mission. Hopefully, this time information relating to the world of commerce, of course, gives you a little insight and interest in getting involved with the Klickzie ICO project.


The Company has developed two app platforms, KlickZie’s Augmented Reality based ArK platform (the “ArKnet”) and KlickZie’s Activation-based trusted imagery platform. These two platforms implement the cryptocurrency transaction activity in the KLK ecosystem. The KlickZie ArKnet platform enables sellers of goods and services to deploy Augmented Reality interfaces, which consist of digital information belonging to the seller, that advertises and facilitates the sale of the seller's goods or services using geo-located interfaces branded ArKs that serve the world’s goods and services commerce market. The KlickZie Activated Imagery platform allows the ownership and trustability of consumer imagery and other digital information to be reliably established, permitting consumers to extract profit from their own personal digital information.

About Klickzie

Tautachrome is launching the KLK cryptocurrency to support a global trade in goods, services and digital information made possible by its newly patented KlickZie technologies, and required to support the immediacy, transparency, security and global reach of this commerce sector. The KLK cryptocurrency will begin life as an ERC20 compliant crypto token designated the KLK20 token on the Ethereum blockchain with planned migration in a one for one swap to a crypto token on a faster blockchain, or in a one for one swap to a crypto coin designated the KLK coin on our own custom high speed fully decentralized blockchain. The Company has developed two app platforms, KlickZie’s Augmented Reality based ArK platform (the “ArKnet”) and KlickZie’s Activation-based trusted imagery platform. These two platforms implement the cryptocurrency transaction activity in the KLK ecosystem.

KlickZie ArKs add the blockchain power of frictionless, automated transactions between buyers and sellers in the world of commerce for goods and services of all kinds.

KlickZie Activated Imagery lets consumers gain for themselves the value of their imagery and their digital information that up to now have been funnelled to social network systems. These platforms give smartphone users consumers the ability to create digital products that employ the KLK ecosystem to generate new income.

The KlickZie ArKnet platform enables sellers of goods and services to deploy Augmented Reality interfaces, which consist of digital information belonging to the seller, that advertises and facilitates the sale of the seller's goods or services using geo-located interfaces branded ArKs that serve the world’s goods and services commerce market. The KlickZie Activated Imagery platform allows the ownership and trustability of consumer imagery and other digital information to be reliably established, permitting consumers to extract profit from their own personal digital information.

KlickZie Token

One billion KLK20 crypto tokens will be distributed as shown in the pie chart. Half of the tokens will be sold in token sales activity. The other half of the tokens will be distributed to Tautachrome shareholders, the KlickZie/KLK team, Tautachrome partners who will use KLK20 tokens to further the KLK ecosystem, and bounty hunters for finding/fixing KLK technical problems. Of the 20% of KLK20 tokens (200 million) distributed to Tautachrome shareholders, 100 million will be distributed to common shareholders and convertible promissory noteholders during the period of the Cryptotoken sales, and 100 million will be reserved for future distribution to preferred shareholders and future promissory noteholders. We anticipate the 50% of KLK20 tokens (500 million ) distributed in the token sale to be carried out in several offerings, each offering aimed at achieving funding for specific KlickZie objectives. The KlickZie Roadmap shows the KLK sale offerings and the technical objectives to be achieved.

Hasil gambar untuk klickzie bounty

Token Details
  • Token: KLK
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Type: Utility
  • Available for sale:4,000,000,000 KLK
  • Total supply:8,000,000,000 KLK
  • Pre-sale Time:01 Dec 2018 - 28 Feb 2019
  • ICO Time:01 Mar 2019 - 31 May 2019
  • Whitelist/KYC: Whitelist + KYC
  • Pre-sale Price :1 KLK = 0.01 USD
  • ICO Price:1 KLK = 0.01 USD
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC, BCH, Fiat
  • Soft cap:100,000 USD
  • Hard cap:30,000,000 USD
  • Bonuses: Up to 100%
  • Country: USA

Token distribution


Hasil gambar untuk klickzie bounty

Hasil gambar untuk klickzie bounty


Tautachrome is launching the KLK cryptocurrency to support a global trade in goods, services and digital information made possible by its newly patented KlickZie technologies, and required to support the immediacy, transparency, security and global reach of this commerce sector. The KLK cryptocurrency will begin life as an ERC20 compliant crypto token designated the KLK20 token on the Ethereum blockchain with planned migration in a one for one swap to a crypto token on a faster blockchain, or in a one for one swap to a crypto coin designated the KLK coin on our own custom high speed fully decentralized blockchain. The Company has developed two app platforms, KlickZie’s Augmented Reality based ArK platform (the “ArKnet”) and KlickZie’s Activation-based trusted imagery platform. These two platforms implement the cryptocurrency transaction activity in the KLK ecosystem. KlickZie ArKs add the blockchain power of frictionless, automated transactions between buyers and sellers in the world of commerce for goods and services of all kinds.

More Information About Klickzie, Please Click Below:

Author: Tasya Nabilla
ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

OATH: An alternative Blockchain-based dispute resolution protocol.

Image result for oath bounty

If we continue to discuss technological sophistication that continues to grow as it is today, it will never run out. Because experts from all parts continue to develop their work without knowing the word stop. This is the same as a project called OATH: An alternative Blockchain based dispute resolution protocol, which you can find at This project offers many features in its products. Let's Check Out the Reviews Below:


While some disputes can be resolved in a friendly manner through a process that discusses (negotiation, conciliation, agreement, etc.), most of the others require a legal process (trial) to achieve justice. However, the test is worth it without their own tail. Settlement in court may take time before a decision is made, and costs for professional approval, and in the case of the second compilation of debates, the problem of corruption and the delay in the timing of justice.

Aristotle once said, "he who controls the court controls the state". This is a fact that proves the legal system is centralized, and individuals are powerful. Such a system can be compromised by corruption and injustice in the legal process.

Finally, the number of small businesses is increasing rapidly. Unlike large companies, they can make big profits. If there are very few disputes, what methods will be adopted to avoid costs, corruption, and time improvements related to the modern legal system?

In this article, we will look at the full-on Sumpah, a platform that was removed with a blockchain that uses the transparent nature of the blockchain, combined with intellectual contracts and a jury system that supports looking for efficient, reliable, motivated, and cannot be used to improve financial disputes.

What is the OATH?

OATH is the second level blockchain protocol that resolves disputes on the public blockchain. In essence, this is a management decision based on a jury's decision, which is formed from a decentralized community. The identity of the jury remains hidden. The composition of the judges for this dispute is random. The jury must choose independently, based on the evidence presented in the smart contract. The characteristics and number of jury members can be agreed upon by the parties in the contract. OATH will get money from the settlement of disputes and direct a portion of this income to jury members. OATH is a solution that takes effect every time the code written in a smart contract is not enough to reach a consensus among market participants

OATH includes official documents, one-pager with protocol summaries for less technical investors and active blogs based on Medium, where updates are presented. The OATH team received investment from a number of investment funds oriented to the blockchain and successfully negotiated partnership agreements with NEM, which made it the standard dispute resolution protocol for NEM. NEM is one of the 20 leading cryptocurrency, measured by market capitalization. In addition, OATH has received several high-level press publications in recognized financial media such as Yahoo Finance or It is hoped that the OATH MVP will be launched in early 2019.

From a technical perspective, OATH provides extensions to existing programming languages for smart contracts and infrastructure levels for decentralized applications. The developer will be able to integrate the OATH as a platform that will resolve disputes if there are disagreements between the parties in the contract.

Possible uses of the OATH protocol include over-the-counter cryptocurrency trading, dispute resolution in e-commerce, blockchain insurance solutions, determining responsibility for blockchain based leasing contracts, content management for decentralized content platforms and social networks, determining results for Oracle platforms and government blockchain control.

Weaknesses and threats

OATH is not the only dispute resolution protocol. Kleros is an alternative solution for resolving disputes based on blockchain. Tim Kleros has been in space for years and was recently featured in the episode 250, where he presented the team and the concept. OATH has no significant difference compared to Kleros in the basic dispute resolution model.

OATH seeks to serve a large number of use cases. Although he could compete with Kleros for traditional dispute resolution, he would compete with Augur when it came to checking the results of the Oracle service. At the same time, he will compete with Aragon to provide a better solution for managing the country chain. This represents a large number of use cases that are very different from each other. It will be difficult for an OATH to provide products that can serve all of these use cases very well. On the other hand, no competitor has reached a dominant position. In addition, OATH may not need to be the best platform in every market it serves to become a growing dispute resolution protocol.

OATH, unlike some competitors, does not depend on the blockchain. This means that the success of the OATH protocol does not depend on the success of certain public block chains.

OATH fulfils the needs arising from the emergence of value-based and value chain-based business relationships on the Internet. When smart contracts become more popular, dispute resolution will definitely emerge. If OATH can create a comfortable and highly functional product, there is a high probability that the market will take it, given the fact that this is one of the first dispute resolution decisions.

OATH is able to present a number of partnerships with existing blockchain projects. Besides NEM, OATH also announced a partnership with QuarkChain, a blockchain with a special approach to using sharding technology.

QuarkChain is currently ranked among the top 150 cryptocurrencies which are rated by market capitalization. OATH plans to use its community of partners to recruit jury members and strengthen their own strengths.

OATH Token

OATH tokens are the platform's internal currency and are issued as ERC-20 tokens. Users can obtain OATH tokens to resolve disputes on the platform, to run nodes, and to provide community services. Only jury members will choose correctly when the majority chooses, the token will be given. This stimulating model is comparable with Augur. Market capitalization and prosperity of tokens will depend on how many OATH decentralized applications will use to resolve disputes on the platform.

Token details
  • Token: OATH
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC20
  • Available for sale: 3,000,000,000 OATH (30%)
  • ICO Price: 1 OATH = 0.005 USD
  • Soft cap: 2000000 USD
  • Hard cap: 10000000 USD
  • ICO Time: 01 Feb 2019 - 30 Apr 2019
  • White List / KYC: KYC
  • Country: US

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Hasil gambar untuk oath bounty

Hasil gambar untuk oath bounty


OATH fulfils the needs arising from the emergence of value-based and value chain-based business relationships on the Internet. When smart contracts become more popular, dispute resolution will definitely emerge. If OATH can create a comfortable and highly functional product, there is a high probability that the market will take it, given the fact that this is one of the first dispute resolution decisions. OATH is able to present a number of partnerships with existing blockchain projects. Besides NEM, OATH also announced a partnership with QuarkChain, a blockchain with a special approach to using sharding technology.

QuarkChain is currently ranked among the top 150 cryptocurrencies which are rated by market capitalization. OATH plans to use its community of partners to recruit jury members and strengthen their own strengths.

More Information About OATH, Please Click Below:

Author: Tasya Nabilla
ETH: 0x5D18c94812D17a1Bf1CBe43b30585a3BEBf56b9d

Monday, 4 February 2019

MenaPay ICO Review

Hasil gambar untuk menapay bounty

We all know that the future is behind "advanced technology". But what is this? Most of us mean IT with this name. Of course, information technology occupies a significant part, but there are many other important fields. Therefore, "advanced technology" will be more accurately defined as the technology that forms new industrial structures with the help of higher quality, more precise production, with less waste and better energy efficiency.

I present to you today an interesting and different project called MenaPay which is a payment gateway that will replace the old payment method with a completely blockchain-based cryptocurrency that will be based on the ERC-20 smart contract.

About MenaPay

Alternative payments refer to payment methods that are used as traditional payment alternatives. Most alternative payment methods discuss the domestic economy or have been developed specifically for electronic commerce and payment systems are generally supported and operated by local banks. Each alternative payment method has a unique application and process completion, language and currency support and is subject to domestic rules and regulations.

Debit cards also known as bank cards or check cards are plastic cards that provide traditional alternative payment methods for cash when making a purchase. A credit card is a plastic card that provides a cash alternative when making a purchase where the issuer and cardholder enter into an agreement that the debt incurred in the billing account will be paid in full and at maturity.

MenaPay is the first blockchain-based payment gateway that is fully supported in the Middle East and Africa. MenaPay replaces traditional payment methods with cryptocurrency that is fully supported by blockchain. It provides a secure and transparent payment gateway to enable transactions for every aspect of daily life. The MenaPay project began in November 2017 to serve 420 million people, in 18 countries, as their main payment method. MenaPay will distribute 75% of total revenue and profits among MenaPay holders. This creates a new standard in the crypto industry for participatory returns, excluding regular incentives for users and investors.

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We are creating a new standard in the crypto industry for the level of participatory returns, beyond the regular incentives for users and investors.
  • P2P Transactions
  • P2M Peer to Merchant Payments
  • M2F Merchant to Foundation
  • Green Mining

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Solutions for Using Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method

Cryptocurrencies cannot be used in daily life transactions because of their price fluctuations and cash-out concerns. MenaCash, which is 100% backed by USD, will be used as the currency for transactions under the MenaPay platform. 1 MenaCash will always be equal to 1 USD and merchants will be able to make cash-outs from the MenaPay foundation. MenaPay also brings easy-to-use solutions such as desktop and mobile wallets, integration APIs and SDKs, reporting and a management dashboard for merchants, all with Arabic user interfaces.

Solutions to Real Life Problems

Regular banking tools are largely not used in the Middle East and Africa Region due to the conservative practice of Islam and the poor banking system. The region also has a very fragmented structure with multiple currencies. MenaPay brings a 100% Islamic, non-bank digital solution, using blockchain to create a single currency to be used in every day and cross-border transactions.

How to reach 1 Billion USD Market Cap by Mid-2019

Onboarding premium merchants who are offering special discounts only for MenaPay. Reaching 5million active users thanks to premium merchant campaigns and strong local marketing. Building an offline reseller network to allow easy entry to the cryptocurrency world. Acquiring the support of influential creators in the region, such as women in the tech industry, politicians, artists and social entrepreneurs.

Establishing Public Adoption of Cryptocurrency

Apart from accepting 30 major cryptocurrencies, you can buy tokens via bank transfer and credit card or you can pay on the door.

MenaPay Token

MenaCash will be the token that will be used in MenaPay platform which will have the full backing of USD and it will as well be used for transaction in MenaPay platform. It will be used to distribute the revenue and profits entitled to all token holders

MenaPay has put in some features in place to make 1 MenaCash equal to 1 USD which merchants will be able to cash out from MenaPay foundation. 400 Million MenaPay Tokens will be generated and 64% of the coins will belong to the community.

Token details
  • Token: MPAY
  • Price:1MPAY = 0.165 USD
  • Bounty: Available
  • MVP/Prototype: Available
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC
  • Hard cap:25.000.000 USD
  • Country: United Arab Emirates
  • Whitelist/KYC: KYC & Whitelist
  • Restricted areas:–

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Image result for menapay bounty

Image result for menapay bounty

Hasil gambar untuk menapay bounty


MenaPay is the first, fully backed blockchain-based payment gateway in the Middle East and Africa. MenaPay replaces traditional payment methods with a blockchain-based fully backed cryptocurrency. This provides a secure and transparent payment gateway to enable transactions for every aspect of daily life. The MenaPay project was started in November 2017 to serve 420 million people, across 18 countries, as their primary payment method. MenaPay will distribute 75% of total revenue and profit amongst holders of MenaPay. It is creating a new standard in the crypto industry for the level of participatory returns, beyond the regular incentives for users and investors.

For more details, please visit the link below: